职务职称:副教授,硕士生导师 |
所在单位:高分子及复合材料 |
联系电话:010-82339800 |
电子邮箱:wsk@buaa.edu.cn |
办公地点:北航学院路校区新主楼D326 |
Ø 基本情况:
Ø 主讲课程:
Ø 研究方向:
Ø 研究成果:
(1)王绍凯, 李敏, 方泽农, 顾轶卓, 张佐光. 一种三维传热通道复合材料及其制备方法, ZL201810897378.4.
(2)王绍凯, 车辙, 李敏, 顾轶卓, 范燕生. 一种载荷与环境耦合作用的复合材料拉伸夹具及使用方法, ZL202010688987.6.
(3)王绍凯, 顾轶卓, 王倩, 李敏, 张佐光. 一种用于纤维轴向导热性能测试的试件及其制备方法, ZL201610916455.7.
(4)王绍凯, 李敏, 付昊, 顾轶卓, 张佐光. 一种测量纤维高温热扩散系数的试样制备方法及装置, ZL201910234380.8.
(5)王绍凯, 李敏, 王印, 顾轶卓, 张佐光. 一种基于碳纳米管膜的复合材料各向应变监测方法[P]. ZL201611230481.0.
[1] Xing, F., Li, M., Wang, S.*, Gu, Y., Zhang, W., Wang, Y. Temperature Dependence of Electrical Resistance in Carbon Nanotube Composite Film during Curing Process [J]. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3552.
[2] Fuchao Hao, Shaokai Wang,* Fei Xing, Min Li, Tianshu Li, Yizhuo Gu, Wei Zhang, and Jiahui Zhang. Carbon-Nanotube-Film-Based Electrical Impedance Tomography for Structural Damage Detection of Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Composites [J]. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021, 4, 5590−5597.
[3] Yansheng Fan, Xiaolin Yang, Jing He, Chaoming Sun, Shaokai Wang*, Yizhuo Gu, Min Li. The variation mechanism of core pressure and its influence on the surface quality of honeycomb sandwich composite with thin facesheets. Journal of materials research and technology 2021, 15: 6113-6124.
[4] Min Li, Zhe Che, Shaokai Wang*, Yubo Zhou, Hao Fu, Yizhuo Gu, Wei Zhang. Tuning interlaminar fracture toughness of fine z-pin reinforced polymer composite [J]. Materials & Design, 2021, 212: 110293.
[5] Min Li, Zenong Fang, Shaokai Wang∗ , Yizhuo Gu, Wei Zhang. Thermal conductivity enhancement and synergistic heat transfer of z-pin reinforced graphite sheet and carbon fiber hybrid composite [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 171: 121093.